Theatre of the Real: Theory and Applications

Course Code
06ΕΠΚΕ0 1-ΠΤ
ECTS Credits
6th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category
Performing Arts

Alexandros Efklidis

Course Description

This course aims to familiarise students with the history and methods of the Theatre of the Real. The Theatre of the Real, at present, covers an ever-expanding space in the field of performing arts and performance. Having its roots in the political theatre and historical avant-gardes, the Theatre of the Real has known a number of trends, methods and applications such as documentary theatre, verbatim theatre, theatre of the witness, courtroom theatre, non-fictional theatre, autobiographical theatre, site-specific theatre, ethnodrama, etc. The course presents the methods of the Theatre of the Real, while the practice focuses on those methods most frequently encountered in recent artistic production.